I Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool    (ACME 105)  Jerry Story


Circle Left
I was wearin’ straight leg Levis
Flannel shirts even when they weren’t in style
Allemande your corner and Dosido her awhile
Allemande Left and you Weave the Ring
I was listening to the Opry
When all of my friends
Were digging Rock n Roll and Rhythm and Blues
I was country when country wasn’t cool


Heads (Sides) Promenade Half
Pass the Ocean, Extend
Recycle, Reverse Flutterwheel
Veer Right, Ferris Wheel
Centers Veer Right, Veer Left
Touch 1/4, Scoot Back
Corner Swing and Promenade
I was country when country wasn’t cool


Grand Square
Oh, I was country when Country wasn’t cool
I was country from my hat down to my boots
Allemande Left and Weave
I still act and look the same
What you see ain’t nothing new
I was country when country wasn’t cool


Chain the ladies over and back
I was country when country wasn’t cool